What does CYA mean to you?

The CYA Team offers business writing services and marketing programs to individuals and businesses that have neither the time nor the skills to produce corporate branding in the form of the professionally written word.Whether you need us to write from scratch, create a document (email, ad, newsletter, blog , profile, press release) from bullet points and ideas or simply edit and enhance your work, CYA International is ready to work for you.

March 15, 2011

Never use ANYWAYS in ANY WAY!!

Adding an "s" to anyway is one of the most common grammatical errors, and although it is so frequently misused it is almost accepted, it is nevertheless a mistake!

Anyway is an adverb, and adverbs do not have plurals. Anyway means "in any case", nonetheless, and regardless.

In addition anyway is occasionally spelled like the two word phrase, any way, meaning "in any manner".

So, you may choose to continue using "anyways", but we thought you would like to know anyway because any way we can help out, we are happy to do so.

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